Free Trial (99965)
06-Enrollment Options
Free Trial (99965)
Get free access to our Uniform Bar Exam course. The free trial includes access to outlines, strategy lectures, substantive lectures, practice MBE questions, prior essay questions with model analyses, learning review questions, and more. Click...
Upgrade to Complete Course (UBE) (99980-UBE)
06-Enrollment Options
Upgrade to Complete Course (UBE) (99980-UBE)
Upgrade to enroll in the complete UBE bar exam course. The course includes access to all outlines, strategy lectures, substantive lectures, practice MBE questions, prior MEE questions with sample answers, and more. In addition to all online...
Virtual Essay Tutor
Virtual Essay Tutor
The virtual essay tutoring program will teach you how to maximize your essay score and help you pass the bar exam. The course contains over 15 hours of on-demand workshop covering essay writing strategies and detailing how to answer specific...

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